Victoria and AbdulDirected by Stephen Frears and written by Lee Hall, based on the book by Shrabani Basu, the following story of Queen Victoria and her friendship is not possible with the new Indian official, Abdul Karim, who soon becomes one of the most escorting – important.
Classification: NA
General Release Date: November 2, 2017
Genre: Drama
Duration: None
Distributor: United International Picture
Actress: Judy Dench, Ali Fazal, Eddie Izzard, TimPigott-Smith, Adeel Ahtar
Director: Stephen Frears
Format: 2D
When young employee Abdul Karim moved from India toparticipated in the Golden Jubilee Queens, he was surprised to receive the queen’s support. When the Queen demanded a deviation from her debt, both formed an incredible alliance with loyalty and loyalty to each other through the inner circle of her house and tried to destroy her. When friendshipdeeply penetrates, the queen begins to see the changing world in her new eyes and eminent in her humanity.
Queen Victoria prevents incredible friendship with a new Indian employee named Abdul Karim.