Victoria and Abdul Directed by Stiven Frirz and written by Li Holl is based on a book with the same name Shrabani Basu, following Koroleva Viktoriya and is unlikely to lecture Indian Islamic Muslim youth, Abdul Karim, is soon to be one of the most important yaeVdelniki.
English language
subtitle: Malay / Chinese
Classification: P13
November 2, 2017 advertising date
Genre: Drama
Duration: 1 hour 52 minutes
Distributor: United International Pictures
Starring: Dzhudi Dench, Ali Fazal,Izzard, Tim Pigott-Smith, Adil Akhtar
Director: Stiven Frirz
Format: 2D
As Koroleva Mariya promises to their position, two to forge an ongoing loyalty and loyalty to the family and her business circle is destroyed. Like the deep gaps of friendship, the queen began to see the world with new eyes and zmenyradasna liberate the man.